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Skip to contentHello Fastwin Users, you might be facing problem related to money withdrawal. In previous article we suggested a solution for problem where money withdrawal status is shown as complete but money had not credited to your account, if you are facing that kind of issue you can just visit that article and get your problem solved.
In this article we will address different kind of money withdrawal problem which is faced by many fastwin users. We got to know that when Fastwin user places a money withdrawal request, withdrawal status is shown as Processing, neither completed not failed. In this case user cannot place a new request as his amount gets deducted from Fastwin wallet. If you are one of them who are facing this issue, you must read this article till end and get a practical solution.
Note: We are not the official fastwin website, this article is just a part of information which may or may not solve your withdrawal problem.
Money is “Processing” Problem
We have already address this issue above. Most annoying and irritating thing about this problem is that you cannot cancel it and place a new withdrawal request and neither we can cancel it. We got to know about the problem when most of the user contacted us through our Contact Us form. We would like to inform you that if you are facing same or other fastwin issue you can just fill Contact Us form and briefly explain the issue.
We would like to tell you that you can also follow us on Telegram group where provide solution for all such problem which are not limited to Fastwin only. Below is the link of our telegram group, you just join it and get updated about the Fastwin app.
Here is the Screenshot of the problem which you are facing when you are facing while placing a withdrawal request in Fastwin app. In this image you can see that amount status is shown as Processing which means Money withdrawal is not complete yet and you need to wait. In this case money is not credited to your bank account and also deducted from your Fastwin wallet.
Amount Processing Problem Reasons
There are certain problems from your end which you can avoid so that you didn’t face this kind of problem.
- You might have entered the wrong bank details which may not be existing.
- Your bank could have facing downtime or may be in maintenance mode
- You might have placed the withdraw request at the end of the day. Please try to place withdrawal request so that money can be processed in your bank account before 7 PM.
- You can only place 2 withdrawal request in 24 hours
- You might have placed higher amount withdrawal request.
Above are some reasons which can leads to Processing amount problem.
Withdrawal Money Processing Problem Solution
Here are some solutions which you apply in your life so that if you face this trouble you have solution for that.
- Enter correct bank details
- Try to withdraw funds from fastwin when you bank is active
- Withdrawals begins from 10 AM in morning so try to place withdrew request early in the morning
- Try to withdrew funds in small amounts like if you have 20k in your fastwin account you should withdrew them in fours part each of 5k. Generally small amounts are credit in less time.
If you have followed each of the above guideline and then also you are facing the issue then just wait and your withdrawal request will be failed and money will be credited to your Fastwin account. In below image you can see withdrawal request gets failed and money gets revert to your fastwin account. It usually takes two weeks for money back to your account.
Withdrawal may fail because of many reasons but we advice you to keep everything good from your end and be patience. You can contact us anytime you want and our team will surely help you.
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